Matthew Koroneos

Exercise Physiologist

Matt is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) and Strength and Conditioning Coach and all-round fitness fanatic, keen footballer and gym lover.

Matt’s experience lies predominantly working with grass roots to elite level athletes in a high performance setting. He has spent approximately 4 years working with the Melbourne Rebels, being involved in their junior development pathways programs. Matt’s role in this setting has been focussing on long term athlete development and ensuring that all athletes are reducing their risk of injury with well-developed strength, conditioning and speed programs.

More recently, Matt has been working with patients who are being referred through GP clinics, TAC, WorkCover or privately accessing services. An area of interest is helping people change behaviour and lifestyle. As AEP’s, we have an important role to play in helping others lead healthier lifestyles. This is what brought Matt to become involved in the Life! program. Matt’s mum was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Dealing with T2D can be extremely complicated if not well managed and this is something that Matt’s mother will now need to manage. He believes if “Mum had access to this program earlier and received some assistance with diet, goal setting, exercise and stress management she may have prevented Type 2 Diabetes occurring all together.” His mission is to help prevent Type 2 Diabetes and other lifestyle conditions in as many people as possible.

Matt would love for people to become PROACTIVE in their health rather than REACTIVE. Matt is looking forward to sharing his passion through the Life! Program at AB Corporate Fitness.

For more information and to connect with Matt, see

Denise Burbidge
Purva Gulyani