Calf Muscles

calf muscles

Do you ever train your Calf Muscles? 

Ask yourself, how frequently does your workout include exercises that target your calves? Training your calves is important as it helps to improve your balance and ankle stability. Building the strength of the calves also assists with explosiveness and endurance.

Do you want a stronger lower body? 

Include some calf exercises and you will find yourself with a stronger lower body! You will be able to pull more weight and squat heavier due to better ankle stability. You will be able to create more output power like push press, jerks, snatches etc.

Having strong calves will also prevent injury because weakness in the calves and ankles can create deficiencies in stability when squatting, jumping, running and even standing.

Strong legs help prevent injuries!

Having strong calves will also prevent injury because weakness in the calves and ankles can create deficiencies in stability when squatting, jumping, running and even standing.

Some simple calf exercises!

There are some simple exercises that you can add to any exercise program to strengthen your calves. These exercises do not require heavy load, you can even perform these at home! 

  • Standing calf raise – If you have stairs available, stand on the edge of a step. If not just stand on the ground. Keeping your knees extended (do not lock your knees), rise onto as much on the tips of your toes as you can. Pause for 1-2 seconds then slowly lower your heels to the ground to finish back in the starting position.
  • Seated calf raise – This is similar to a standing calf raise but instead you sit with your back upright on a chair or a bench. If you wish to challenge yourself and add resistance place any item available to you on your lap. This might be a book or bottle of milk. Then you perform the calf raise as described above.

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