Chia-nilla Custard

chia-nilla custard

One of my favourite ways to enjoy chia seeds is in this gorgeous custard that my partner, Nic makes once a week. If you can’t find a fresh young coconut, use packaged coconut water, or use more coconut milk or cream. You will still make an amazing dish!

Chia seeds come from a flowering plant in the mint family that’s native to Mexico and Guatemala. History suggests that chia seeds were an important food crop for the Aztecs. This little seed, which can be white, dark brown, or black in colour, also has a substantial nutritional profile. Chia seeds contain calcium, manganese, and phosphorus and are a great source of protein and healthy omega-3 fats. Note: This recipe will need to be prepared an hour ahead or the night before.

  • 250 mls coconut water (1 cup)
  • 250 mls coconut milk (1 cup)
  • 2 organic free-range eggs
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil duck fat, tallow or other good quality fat
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla powder 1 vanilla bean, split, seeds removed
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 pinch Himalayan salt sea salt
  • mixed berries to serve
  • activated almonds chopped, to serve
  • Combine the chia seeds with the coconut water and stir well, then set aside.
  • Pour coconut milk into a saucepan and heat to a simmer.
  • Add the eggs, coconut oil, vanilla, cinnamon and salt and whisk through for 2 minutes over low heat until the mixture thickens slightly to form a custard and coats the back of a spoon.
  • Pour the egg and coconut milk mixture into the bowl with the chia and coconut water, stir well and pour the mixture between 3 or 4 ramekins.
  • Place the ramekins in the fridge and allow to sit for an hour, or overnight until set.
  • Serve with some berries and chopped almonds.

NOTE: This recipe will need to be prepared an hour ahead or the night before!!!

Per Serving
  • CALORIES: 173g
  • CARBS: 4g
  • FATS: 13g
  • PROTEIN: 7g


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