Chia Seed Puddings with Fresh Berries

Berries are our favourite fruit due to their low fructose content, so we love to indulge in them when they’re in season. They’re divine in this chia and young coconut mix. If they are out of season, thawed frozen berries will do just fine.


  • 1 young coconuts
  • 125 mls coconut cream or coconut milk
  • 50 g chia seeds
  • 1 pinch green leaf stevia
  • ½ cup strawberries chopped, you can also use raspberries, mango or your choice of flavourings


  • Cut a square opening in the top of the coconut using a large, sharp knife or cleaver. Pour the coconut water into a measuring cup. Scrape and scoop the coconut meat out of the shell with a spoon and roughly chop the meat into smaller pieces.
  • Place the coconut meat in a food processor with 1⁄2 cup (125 ml / 4 1⁄4 fl oz) of coconut water, and process to a smooth, thick purée.
  • Pour the purée into a bowl. Add the coconut cream or milk, chia seeds and stevia, and mix well. Transfer the mixture into small glasses and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. (After 2 hours the chia seeds will have swollen and formed a gel with the coconut cream, creating a thick pudding with a slight crunch from the seeds.)
  • Divide the berries equally between the glasses and serve.Notes
  • If your child has a sensitive tummy, be mindful that this recipe contains a lot of chia seeds.Try these flavour variations:Banana, spirulina & toasted
  • pistachio:
  • Add 2 mashed bananas and 1 teaspoon of spirulina to the chia pudding recipe above. Serve with sliced banana, chopped toasted pistachio nuts and a drizzle of honey.Mixed berry & sunflower seeds:
Place 150 g (51⁄4 oz.) of fresh or frozen mixed berries and 1 tablespoon of honey in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

Pass through a sieve to remove the seeds and set the puree aside. Fold another 100 g (3 1⁄2 oz) of mixed berries into the chia pudding recipe above.

To serve, pour the puree over the pudding, arrange some extra berries on top and sprinkle with sunflower seeds.

Vanilla bean, macadamia & toasted coconut

Mix the seeds from 1 vanilla bean and 50 g (13⁄4 oz) chopped, toasted macadamia nuts into the pudding recipe above.

Serve with toasted coconut shavings, extra chopped, toasted macadamia nuts and a drizzle of honey.

Per Serving

  • CALORIES: 488
  • CARBS: 72g
  • FATS: 20g
  • PROTEIN: 12g


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