Chicken Schnitzel & Chips

Is there anything better than chicken schnitzel and chips for a special treat? This is a great meal to include when kids are learning to feed themselves (wait until 12+ months as it includes whole egg, nuts and sesame).

Aioli can be added to this recipe for children over 24 months. The aioli contains raw egg and shouldn’t be included beforehand.

  • 4 organic free-range chicken thighs
  • 100 g almond meal
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds (activated if possible)
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon arrowroot or tapioca flour
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons coconut milk or almond milk
  • coconut oil duck fat, tallow or other good quality fat cold-pressed, virgin, for shallow frying
  • sweet potato fries to serve
  • aioli optional, to serve
  • Place the chicken between two sheets of baking paper and pound with a meat mallet to 1 cm (3⁄8 inch) thickness.
  • Combine the almond meal, sesame seeds, lemon zest and juice in a shallow bowl and mix well. Season with a touch of pepper if desired and set aside. Place the arrowroot or tapioca flour in another shallow bowl. In a third bowl, whisk together the egg and coconut or almond milk and set aside.
  • Sprinkle the pounded chicken with the flour, shaking off any excess.
  • Dip each piece of chicken in the egg mixture, then evenly coat with the almond meal mixture.
  • Pour 2.5 cm (1 inch) of coconut oil into a large, deep frying pan. Heat the oil over medium–high heat until it reaches around 160°C (325°F). To test, place a tiny piece of chicken into the oil – if it starts to bubble around the chicken immediately, the oil is ready.
  • Fry the crumbed chicken for 3–5 minutes on both sides, or until golden and cooked through. Remove from the pan and place on paper towel to drain excess oil.
  • Season with some extra pepper if desired.
Per Serving
  • CALORIES: 703
  • CARBS: 34g
  • FATS: 55g
  • PROTEIN: 39g


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