Creamy Coconut smoothie

You can add smoothies to your little one’s diet as soon as he or she can master a sippy cup. Some children get the hang of it at 6 months while others manage at 8–10 months or older.

You can be as creative and playful as you like with smoothies. We love frozen organic berry mixes, banana, papaya, mango or any tropical fruits. Just play with different combos and give preference to fruits in season.

  • 1 young coconuts
  • 40 g blueberries fresh or frozen
  • 1 bananas fresh or frozen
  • 1-2 teaspoons powdered grass-fed gelatine
  • 1 teaspoon probiotic powder practitioner-recommended
  • 1 teaspoon coconut kefir optional
  • pinch chia seeds optional
  • 1/4 avocados
  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil duck fat, tallow or other good quality fat
  • pinch vanilla powder 1 vanilla bean, split, seeds removed
  • pinch cinnamon
  • Cut open the coconut by chopping a square opening into the top (preferably with four deep incisions using a cleaver). Pour the coconut water directly into a blender jug. Scrape out the soft coconut meat from the inside of the coconut shell with a spoon, and chop the meat into chunks.
  • Add the coconut meat and the remaining ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth. Add filtered water or coconut milk slowly until the smoothie reaches your desired consistency. Serve immediately.Notes
  • Introduce chia seeds in small quantities and only if your bub has no digestive issues.If you can’t get fresh young coconuts, try using 200 ml (6 3⁄4 fl oz) of bottled coconut water, or 200 ml (6 3⁄4 fl oz) organic coconut cream. The cream makes it very thick, but you can just add filtered water to thin it slightly.In summer it’s always handy to keep peeled bananas in the freezer – they are a fast, cooling treat and great to throw into smoothies.
Per Serving
  • CALORIES: 471
  • CARBS: 25g
  • FATS: 20g
  • PROTEIN: 3g


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