Diabetes Care


What is the cause of Diabetes?

Causes can vary and there are various factors which can influence whether you are at high risk of developing it. These include genetic makeup, family history, ethnicity, health and environmental factors.

There are 2 main types of diabetes and their causes can be very different. Type 1 –  occurs when the the pancreas is unable to make the hormone insulin.
Type 2 – is a condition where the beta cells in the pancreas still make insulin, but it may not make enough, or the insulin that is being made does not do its job properly.

Although there is no cure for either type of diabetes, both can be well managed.

What should I eat to avoid Diabetes?

The exact cause of type 1 diabetes isn’t clearly understood, despite a lot of research that is currently being undertaken. This means that at this stage Type 1 diabetes can’t be prevented.
There is good evidence to show that type 2 diabetes can be prevented. By maintaining a healthy weight, doing regular exercise and following a healthy diet, almost 1 in 6 cases of type 2 diabetes can be prevented.
Below are some tips to ensure you are following a healthy diet and reducing your risk of developing Type 2:
  1. Reduce your kilojoule intake
  2. Choose low glycemic index carbohydrate foods
  3. Choose high fibre foods
  4. Drink water
  5. Increase your good fats
  6. Limit your intake of red meat and processed meats

What should an annual diabetes care plan include?

High glucose levels can cause diabetes complications over time, such as damaged organs, tissues and vessels.

The diabetes annual cycle of care is a checklist your GP can use to help you and your healthcare team keep track of your diabetes. It aims to find any complications early and get the best treatment to prevent them from getting worse. If found early, some complications can even be reversed.

Type of test Frequency
HbA1c blood test – measures average glucose level At least once a year, but can be done once every three months
Eye check – retinopathy screening test that checks the health of blood vessels behind the eyes (retina) At least once every two years and yearly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Weight (and height at first visit) – waist size may also be measured At least every six months
Blood pressure At least every six months
Foot check – checks blood supply and feet sensation At least every six months
Total cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL cholesterol At least once a year
Kidneys – urine test for microalbumin and blood test for estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) At least once a year
Self-care education – education regarding diabetes management Ongoing
Review diet and levels of physical activity At least once a year
Smoking status – Help stopping smoking (if relevant) At least every year
Review of medication At least every year

AB Health and Fitness is please to offer the Life! program, a FREE preventative health initiative that helps you reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This program gives you the motivation and support needed to make and maintain positive changes and to adopt healthy behaviours and a more active lifestyle and in addition to this every eligible participant is given a 5 month membership to AB Health and Fitness.

To see if you are eligible take the eligibility test below or send us an email info@ab-life.com.au

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