Flexibility Exercise

flexibility exercise

Flexibility exercises are any activities that improve the ability of a joint to maintain the movement necessary for carrying out daily tasks and physical activity. Examples of flexibility activities include: stretching, yoga and tai chi.

It is also called range-of-motion exercises or plain old stretching, keep your muscles elastic and your joints moving freely. … Benefits: Good flexibility can help you do just about any movement more comfortably, from walking to sitting to bending over.

Why Flexibility important?

Activities that lengthen and stretch muscles can help you prevent injuries, back pain, and balance problems. A well-stretched muscle more easily achieves its full range of motion.

Health benefits of Flexibility Training
6 benefits of flexibility
  • Fewer injuries. Once you develop strength and flexibility in your body you’ll be able to withstand more physical stress. …
  • Less pain. …
  • Improved posture and balance. …
  • A positive state of mind. …
  • Greater strength. …
  • Improved physical performance.

Below are 7 Examples of Flexibility Exercises

  1. Standing Quad Stretch.
  2. Standing Side Stretch.
  3. Seated Hamstring Stretch. …
  4. Standing Calf Stretch. …
  5. Shoulder Stretch. …
  6. The Forward Hang. …
  7. Back stretch.

You can check this video for some examples of Flexibility Exercises

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