
We all know that the holiday and festive season brings many opportunities for over indulgence

This period is difficult for many of us as our “cheat” days can easily turn into ‘cheat weeks”.   It’s  also no surprise  that it can be a struggle to get back into our healthy eating and exercise routine after the holiday season has ended.

Here are a few helpful tips to help you get back on track and kickstart your health and wellbeing journey for 2022.

If you’ve been overdoing it throughout the holidays , or perhaps gained a few extra kilos, just remember that slip-ups and indulgences are OK every now and then.

  1. Set a deadline to come back

If you haven’t come back yet and it’s not today,  set a firm deadline (give yourself a week’s grace)  and stick to it. Remember why you started and how good you feel when you exercise and eat well.

  1. Set your goal

Set yourself a realistic goal that is achievable but challenging. Write down your goal, or list smaller goals i.e. 3 classes per week, walk dog every day, 2 runs per week etc and hold yourself accountable.

Once you’ve achieved your first week of exercise, treat yourself to a small reward and keep up the pattern. It takes healthy habits at least three weeks to form, and once you have made it that far, you should be well on the way.

  1. Plan your workout schedule 

Use your diary, phone reminders or calendar to plan set times for exercise and treat it like an appointment that you cannot miss.

If you plan a set time to exercise , be it  mornings or evenings you are much more likely to stick to it!

  1. Pace yourself and ease your way back

Getting back on track with exercise is about taking it slowly at first to minimise the risk of injury.  You don’t need to do endless hours of cardio to work off those extra kilos after a break from exercise.

Perhaps start at lower max capacity and then gradually  ramp up the intensity and duration of your workouts as you progress.  More importantly take note of how your body is feeling once you begin exercising and respond accordingly.

  1. Preparation is key

Whether you have decided to workout in the mornings or evenings, create some habits that will make it easier to get back into a rhythm.  For example, if it’s morning, have your clothes laid out the night before and set an alarm at a distance so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off.  If it’s after work, have your gym bag ready to go. This will act as a good reminder of what you have committed to and you will be less likely to back out.

  1. Find an exercise buddy

Having a friend, work colleague or family member to workout with is a great way to boost motivation, hold each other accountable and stick to your workout routine.

  1. Look for opportunities to try something new 

Find ways to mix up your workouts and incorporate other exercises that you enjoy into your routine. Picking up social sports,  a hit of tennis , yoga , a  beach workout , or simply walking the dog are all great ways to stay fit and healthy.

  1. Commit to a short term challenge

A four or six-week challenge is a great way to start making exercise a habit again. Challenges are designed to provide a clear and distinct plan of action to follow, while at the same time increasing consistency and compliance.  The more consistent you are with your exercise routine, the easier it is to form healthy habits. Once it’s a habit, you just go on autopilot and exercising becomes a  part of your daily life.

The good news is it isn’t too late to get started.

AB Health and Fitness have a range of options and Amazing events designed to get you back into the gym and feeling as great as you did before the holidays. 

We have the run/walk clinic that starts on the 6th Feb and culminates with the Brimbank Run/walk festival on March 20th.  You can select your distance ranging from 2 kms up to 21 kms.   We also have the 6 week  Challenge that commences on the 12th February.  If you have not been involved in these events in the past, this might be a good time to give them a try.

Both these events will spearhead your fitness, weight loss and nutrition goals in 2022

I look forward to seeing you in 2023!

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