MARIEKA Member Spotlight – May 2018

Why Did You Decide To Join Ab Corporate Fitness?

I was going through a series of personal issues at home and felt that joining a gym would help keep my mind occupied whilst dealing with a myriad of negative energy. My work colleague Kerrie attends AB Corporate Fitness and recommended the centre and instructors and encouraged me to come along which ultimately lead me to become a member

Current Goal(s) In The Gym Or In Life?

  • Maintain my current exercise routine
  • Increase muscle density and decrease fat %, flexibility and mental clarity
  • I wish to finally compete in lightweight division horse endurance racing which has not been possible in the last 15 years
  • Bring back family/work/leisure balance to my life

What Would You Like To Know More About?

I attended the info session with Androulla Koukoulis and I was blown away by the relationship between eating habits and what we fear or we are trying to avoid. I can now see connections of my habits and how they correlate to other areas of my life and that everything is a choice. I hope to attend more information sessions similar to this with more depth and detail.

Favourite And Least Favourite Exercise Or Class?

Favourite: SUSPENSION, I love to mix it up with the muscle groups in one class. Least Favourite: SPIN, I hate pedaling fast but seemingly gettng nowhere.

What’s Been Your Most Memorable Achievement Since Becoming A Member?

(Member Since October 2017) – I have lost 8 KGs which puts me in the lightweight division for endurance (FINALLY)

  • I have more clarity and confidence
  • Eating healthier and have far more energy. I feel better now at 50 than I did when I was in my 30s/40s

Whats Something That Your Gym Mates Would Be Surprised To Know About You?

I am a fully qualified endurance horse owner/rider. This qualifies me to ride over long distance 80 – 160km speed on horseback. For me as a rider, I love the peace and quiet of starting out at 4.30am, having to tune into my horse minute by minute, spending hours in the saddle. Its the muscle fatigue after each event that is challenging and I look forward to improved stamina and flexibility over the coming endurance season. Many people ask how I get through 80km+ of arduous terrain and my answer to that is it’s not only, my horse doing the majority of the work to which I am blessed, but also, I tick off each km we travel rather than how far we have left to finish.

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