Rita Carino – Member Spotlight – October 2018

Why Did You Decide To Join Ab Corporate Fitness?

I needed a change in my routine. I was training at home, getting bored and noticed I had put on weight. I had seen many posts on Face Book about AB and it sounded like a great fitness centre. When I saw the 6 week program advertised which included a great price with great extras, I was excited about the opportunity to transform myself.

Current Goal(s) In The Gym Or In Life?

I want to continue to stay this lean which is my ideal weight and gives me so much energy and confidence. I want to be able to use the tools that have helped me feel this way such us ‘My fitness Pal’ and ‘My zone.’ I want to continue to challenge my body to increase my fitness

What Would You Like To Know More About?

I would like to learn more about building muscle and the benefits especially in my legs.

Favourite And Least Favourite Exercise Or Class?

I really do enjoy them all because they are all so different and variety is what I crave. I really appreciate the effort that goes into each of the classes.

What’s Been Your Most Memorable Achievement Since Becoming A Member?

Meeting the team, Aaron, Brendan and Connie. Having them push me, encourage and inspire me with their positive feedback. They are highly skilled and knowledgeable. I have also really enjoyed meeting new people. Of course the highlight has been the ability to increase my fitness to run the half marathon. I was running before but would fatigue quite easily after 8 km.

Whats Something That Your Gym Mates Would Be Surprised To Know About You?

I’m sure they would be surprised to find out that my background is Social Work and I work in mental health and also have my own business as a Mind Body Medicine Practitioner.

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