Connie Raso

Workplace & Community Engagement Co-ordinator

Connie began her working career as an auditor with Ernst and Young.  She holds a Bachelor of Business and while being immersed in the corporate world she saw first hand what can happen when your lifestyle is out of balance.

After almost two decades working as an accountant and seeing a need for change,  she quit her job and made the adjustment her life needed and completed a Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Movement.

Connie was involved in the sports industry for 14 years working as a sports consultant in a variety of roles.  As the  Victorian State Co-ordinator for the Disability Support Network and Case Manager for the Australian Sports Commission she worked with a range of national and state sporting organisations to develop and implement long term inclusive strategies and practices within their sport.  She also worked for VicSport as part of the Inclusion & Diversity Team working closely with VicHealth to support state sporting bodies to deliver grass-roots participation opportunities for people with a disability and other under-represented groups.

She firmly believes that people need to constantly move and evolve, and regularly participates in anything health and fitness related and loves a challenge.   The last few years have seen her complete Oxfam’s 100 km Trailwalker in 2018 and numerous other community fun runs and walks as part of the AB Health & Fitness community.

Connie is passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle and working as as a trainer as part of the AB Health and Fitness team,  has enabled her to support clients on their health and wellbeing journey, and ultimately to live their best life.

Blaine Xuereb
Androulla Koukoullas