Blaine Xuereb

Health and Wellness Promotion Co-ordinator

Blaine’s fitness journey started 6 years ago when she met Aaron at her son’s swimming lessons, he sat down next to her and told her about the new Aqua Fitness class that was starting at the Pool. Blaine was heavily overweight, unhappy and in pain from the weight she had gained over the previous 4 years. Just weeks before she had seen a photo of herself and wanted to do something about it! It was that conversation with Aaron that she thought “that’s it, let’s give this a try”.

Blaine started off slow doing a couple of classes a week and then started to see her fitness start to improve and the weight slowly started to come off. Blaine started seeing the results and was feeling more confident and happy! It became part of her everyday life to workout and Blaine changed her lifestyle for the better. Blaine then followed Aaron and Brendan as they created AB Health & Fitness.

Blaine did not realize how much exercise could change your life and the way you feel about life! After some time Blaine even got her husband to come join her at the workouts and now this is something they do together and makes them feel more connected.

After working in the Early Childhood Industry for almost 15 years from an Educator to the Coordinator of a Long Day Care facility, Blaine found herself not enjoying work; she had lost her passion. After both Blaine’s husband and Aaron saw how much she had grown as a person through this new found passion of health and fitness, they both said to her she would make an amazing fitness instructor. So that was it, Blaine decided to go for it! With the support from her family, Aaron, Brendan and Connie, Blaine has completed her Certificate III & IV in Fitness.

As a Fitness Trainer Blaine believes that fitness needs to be fun but it also takes hard work. Blaine wants to help people set and reach their goals, while maintaining a healthy active lifestyle. Blaine looks forward to supporting her clients with their own changes and as someone who understands what it is like to struggle in the past with their own wellbeing and being heavily overweight, Blaine knows how hard it can be to stay motivated and be truly happy with yourself. But the good thing is, it does get better! Blaine can’t wait to help support, mentor, and challenge you to push yourself to accomplish something you never thought possible.

Brendan Daynes
Connie Raso