Pili Sanz

Fitness Instructor

Pili comes from a business background in Public Relations and sales, having studied Public Relations and Information Systems at university, then went on to work in many managerial positions. For 11 years Pili has been a leader for Fifth Avenue Collection, a direct selling/network marketing jewellery business. She loves making connections with people, helping and inspiring other’s to achieve their goals/dreams. It was in late 2016, where Pili’s fitness journey began!

Pili met Aaron and Brendan when attending one of their fitness classes being held in the park. She was overweight, unfit and her health was starting to go downhill. She was suffering from reflux and hypothyroidism and after the birth of her second child and lot’s of hours of building her business, Pili realised that she was neglecting her health and so she found AB through Facebook and thought “Why not give this a try? It look’s like fun”. She was a little nervous as she hadn’t exercised for 8 years but AB made the session fun, they were friendly and kind and so she was in for good!

Soon after becoming hooked Pili also joined the very first AB Life! Program. She has always believed that hard work, consistency and perseverance are the only way to achieve your goals and the Life! Program provided Pili with lots of knowledge not only to loose weight but to be a fitter and healthier woman.

In 2019, Pili discovered a little lump on her abdomen and after some tests was diagnosed with an umbilical hernia , a 5 finger abdominal separation (Diastasis rectus abdominis) and a stomach bacteria. Pili had worked so hard to regain her health and wasn’t going to let this stop her! She researched and through both natural and conventional medicine, some changes to her diet and specific exercises, was able to reduce the abdominal separation and is now fitter and stringer than ever!

Pili’s biggest physical and mental endurance test was walking the 100km Oxfam event. Pili along with her husband John, Aaron, Brendan, Connie and other members from the AB Health and Fitness community, completed the walk. It was “one of the hardest things I’ve ever put my body through” she says, “If I can do it, anyone can!”  Pili has also been involved in many other fun runs, fundraisers and challenges through the AB Health and Fitness community, just recently completing the 60km Coast Trek for Beyond Blue.

Pili has made big lifestyle changes by incorporating exercise into her daily routine and has now gone on to study Certificate III and IV in Fitness. She now understands how amazing the body really is and believes that good nutritious food and exercise do repair the body!

Pili loves researching new workouts, especially energy packed ones, and is looking forward to supporting and learning more from her clients as they work towards their goals. Pili knows what it is like to be unfit and overweight and would love to encourage and inspire others to feel comfortable knowing that being healthy and fit is achievable. 

Ria Esberey