Ria Esberey

Registered Nurse

Ria is a Registered Nurse who practices in public health and has a particular interest in working with the community and also preventative medicine.

Working in public health for the last 10 years Ria has seen so many illnesses caused by poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, and these can all be preventable with the right knowledge and support around us. Ria struggled with eating and exercise routine, but knowing what she knew about health and well-being she decided to make a change and has never looked back.

Working with the AB Health and Fitness team as part of the Life! program has given Ria a great sense of satisfaction in that she is helping others to achieve their goals as well as giving back to her local community. If you are thinking about making a change or wanting to learn some invaluable skills to help you on your path to a healthier lifestyle Ria would highly recommend getting in touch with one of us from the team and we can help you get started on your journey.

Renee Italia
Pili Sanz